How much external stimulation vs. internal processing do you need?

Whether you’re an introvert or extrovert, in order to thrive you need both a certain amount of external stimulation, as well as sufficient time for internal processing.
We’re social creatures, which is why being around others helps us broaden our perspective, increases our creativity … and helps us relax and have fun! That said, too much of a good thing can leave us feeling frazzled and disjointed. In order to make the most of that external stimulation, we need time to ourselves to process it and make sense of it.
The question is – what is the right proportion of external stimulation vs. internal processing for you? We’re all different.
A quote to keep in mind
“By encountering ourselves more deeply and authentically, we also encounter others more fully. In other words, creative solitude leads to creative community.”
– Julia Cameron, ‘The Artist’s Way’
How to understand what works for you
Here’s an exercise that you can do for a few weeks to help you become more aware of the balance that works best for you.
Each day, note down the following:
💡 How much time you had to yourself
💡 How much time you spent with others
💡 How the day / week felt to you on a scale of 0 to 10
Reflect weekly and dial those proportions up and down to continue learning and understanding what works best for you!